the unconscious mind does not exist; there is only the monoconscious.
by Erich Hamburgh

“Sigmund Freud didn’t exactly invent the idea of the conscious versus unconscious mind, but he certainly was responsible for making it popular” (
Is this true?
FALSCH. Edward Bernays popularized the unconscious mind: “Sigmund Freud may have invented the self, full of unspoken dreams and desires, in 1900, but it was his American nephew, Edward Bernays, who packaged it and put it on to the market.” 2002 (The Guardian)
The Monoconscious
The theory of the unconscious mind is nothing more than popular psychology originally organized and constructed by the father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud and then popularized and weaponized for mass manipulation by his elitist nephew Edward Bernays. Whether Bernays ever literally believed in the existence of an unconscious mind or not, his nefarious use of the general idea to influence the masses through elaborate hoaxes through human emotional vulnerability still worked. Through the use of sophisticated war-caliber propaganda techniques on the level of Mussolini and Goebbels, Bernays took advantage of the general public's unwillingness to think critically and logically about anything as an excuse to further develop and perfect the art of lying for institutions and governments alike. It was never true that mankind is controlled by his own mysterious alternative self-within-the-self, or 'unconscious mind,' but rather, it was always that man's attitudes and moods shift from state to state based on the given circumstances outside his mind in the given moment. Man is not inherently a philosophical and doubting creature. We are sometimes, like automatons, machining through life making assumptions about everything while relying upon the leadership of better men to do the thinking for us, yet our thoughts are always logically consistent, a matter I will touch on in a moment.
"If you could use propaganda for war, you could certainly use it for peace" — Edward Bernays
The Monoconscious is the Idea That Your Experiences Are Linear and Non-Contradictory
Through big, bold lies and publicly funded theatrics and illusions, the mother of all hoaxes was this myth of there being a rogue subconscious creature living in and lurking below your attainable sense of conscious awareness. The "monoconscious" however, is the concept that your thoughts, your feelings, your overall sense of reality and awareness is experienced in a linear sense, and not hijacked by an alternate or dual sense of contradicting thoughts or feelings. You experience reality linearly under singular-consciousness or a mono-conscious. That when you experience desires or beliefs which may seem to run parallel to your own sense of logical conviction, that it is merely your moods which contradict your logic rather than an alternative cohabitating 'self.' The philosophy of the monoconscious contradicts the popular Orwellian term 'double-think,' which is defined as being a simultaneous belief in two contradictory ideas. The monoconscious is the idea that a person cannot hold two or more contradictory ideas in their head at any one time and in any way. That when it may merely seem as though an individual is experiencing or suffering from the "1984"-style double think, that it's more likely that the individual has been misunderstood or that he has simply misrepresented himself and his views. If an individual cannot believe that his dog has both died and is still alive in the same sense and in the same way, or that it is both summer and winter in the same sense and in the same way, then it is also impossible for him to believe that any other concept is both true and false at the same time and in the same sense.
How Freudian Psychology Influences the World in the 20's
In 2021, the theory of the unconscious mind is more popular than it has ever been in history, in particular in English speaking countries. From Brexit, to Trump to SARS-CoV-2, everyone has developed strong political opinions. And since we're living in a time of great propaganda and media manipulation, there are those who trust in establishments and institutions while believing that only a delusional person could possibly distrust in or doubt the credibility of those institutions or authorities. This dialectic embodies two general hive mind structures, each blaming the world's problems on the "bias" of the other hive mind. However, bias, is just another form of Freud's unconscious mind. There is no bias, only willful ignorance. Logically, one group must always be more aware and more righteous than the other in any dichotomy, and it's going to be the group which is less ignorant than the other. However, where both hives fail is in making the assumption that the other is full of good-willed bias. Since collectivism and democracy are the same creature, consensus either manifests itself as being a force for the security of the collective or an existential threat to it. The same must be said of any opposition or dissidence. Willful ignorance and faith in the assumption that Freud's unproven unconscious mind is true, pose a an existential threat to all who are forced to live under the tyranny of democracy.
How Does the World Recover from Freud?
The mission of is to reverse the damage done by the likes of intellectual terrorists such as Sigmund Freud and his nephew Edward Bernays, who’ve mislead and continue to posthumously mislead billions with Freudian pseudo-psychology. More recently, these ideas mislead the world through Freudian-influenced evolutionary psychology. All of modern life and science have been tainted with the love of the theory of the unconscious mind. It has always been a vehicle for anyone to say the equivalent to 'I know you better than you know yourself' without having to get a degree in any of the neurosciences and still walk away unchallenged on any level.
From the fallacious assertion that life imitates art; to the concept that ideas are almost all contagious (including conspiracy theories and prejudices); to the concept that there is an evolutionary unconscious mind mysteriously directing instincts that you're unaware of. There will always be times in your life in which you may seem to surprise yourself. You will find that you may react to things in your life which may contradict the way in which you would have expected, but those reactions are nothing more than your change in mood and the changes in circumstances in the present which differ from past moments, hours, days or years. The 'you' or the 'self' are nothing more than an illusion. That is to say, that 'you' are constantly changing from moment to moment, and you are not controlled by your relative ancestral history or an unconscious force of mysterious consciousness. You are responsible for the logical algorithmic combinations of non-contradicting thoughts in your head based on how much you choose to learn about the world and how much you choose to ignore. The more you learn and expand your awareness, the more you can make informed decisions. Ignorance of the principles which govern reality are not excuses for not knowing them. You must therefore take full responsibility for your own false assumptions. Which is why the theme of the monoconscious philosophy is to simply take responsibility for your mind.
Is this true?
FALSCH. Edward Bernays popularized the unconscious mind: “Sigmund Freud may have invented the self, full of unspoken dreams and desires, in 1900, but it was his American nephew, Edward Bernays, who packaged it and put it on to the market.” 2002 (The Guardian)
The Monoconscious
The theory of the unconscious mind is nothing more than popular psychology originally organized and constructed by the father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud and then popularized and weaponized for mass manipulation by his elitist nephew Edward Bernays. Whether Bernays ever literally believed in the existence of an unconscious mind or not, his nefarious use of the general idea to influence the masses through elaborate hoaxes through human emotional vulnerability still worked. Through the use of sophisticated war-caliber propaganda techniques on the level of Mussolini and Goebbels, Bernays took advantage of the general public's unwillingness to think critically and logically about anything as an excuse to further develop and perfect the art of lying for institutions and governments alike. It was never true that mankind is controlled by his own mysterious alternative self-within-the-self, or 'unconscious mind,' but rather, it was always that man's attitudes and moods shift from state to state based on the given circumstances outside his mind in the given moment. Man is not inherently a philosophical and doubting creature. We are sometimes, like automatons, machining through life making assumptions about everything while relying upon the leadership of better men to do the thinking for us, yet our thoughts are always logically consistent, a matter I will touch on in a moment.
"If you could use propaganda for war, you could certainly use it for peace" — Edward Bernays
The Monoconscious is the Idea That Your Experiences Are Linear and Non-Contradictory
Through big, bold lies and publicly funded theatrics and illusions, the mother of all hoaxes was this myth of there being a rogue subconscious creature living in and lurking below your attainable sense of conscious awareness. The "monoconscious" however, is the concept that your thoughts, your feelings, your overall sense of reality and awareness is experienced in a linear sense, and not hijacked by an alternate or dual sense of contradicting thoughts or feelings. You experience reality linearly under singular-consciousness or a mono-conscious. That when you experience desires or beliefs which may seem to run parallel to your own sense of logical conviction, that it is merely your moods which contradict your logic rather than an alternative cohabitating 'self.' The philosophy of the monoconscious contradicts the popular Orwellian term 'double-think,' which is defined as being a simultaneous belief in two contradictory ideas. The monoconscious is the idea that a person cannot hold two or more contradictory ideas in their head at any one time and in any way. That when it may merely seem as though an individual is experiencing or suffering from the "1984"-style double think, that it's more likely that the individual has been misunderstood or that he has simply misrepresented himself and his views. If an individual cannot believe that his dog has both died and is still alive in the same sense and in the same way, or that it is both summer and winter in the same sense and in the same way, then it is also impossible for him to believe that any other concept is both true and false at the same time and in the same sense.
How Freudian Psychology Influences the World in the 20's
In 2021, the theory of the unconscious mind is more popular than it has ever been in history, in particular in English speaking countries. From Brexit, to Trump to SARS-CoV-2, everyone has developed strong political opinions. And since we're living in a time of great propaganda and media manipulation, there are those who trust in establishments and institutions while believing that only a delusional person could possibly distrust in or doubt the credibility of those institutions or authorities. This dialectic embodies two general hive mind structures, each blaming the world's problems on the "bias" of the other hive mind. However, bias, is just another form of Freud's unconscious mind. There is no bias, only willful ignorance. Logically, one group must always be more aware and more righteous than the other in any dichotomy, and it's going to be the group which is less ignorant than the other. However, where both hives fail is in making the assumption that the other is full of good-willed bias. Since collectivism and democracy are the same creature, consensus either manifests itself as being a force for the security of the collective or an existential threat to it. The same must be said of any opposition or dissidence. Willful ignorance and faith in the assumption that Freud's unproven unconscious mind is true, pose a an existential threat to all who are forced to live under the tyranny of democracy.
How Does the World Recover from Freud?
The mission of is to reverse the damage done by the likes of intellectual terrorists such as Sigmund Freud and his nephew Edward Bernays, who’ve mislead and continue to posthumously mislead billions with Freudian pseudo-psychology. More recently, these ideas mislead the world through Freudian-influenced evolutionary psychology. All of modern life and science have been tainted with the love of the theory of the unconscious mind. It has always been a vehicle for anyone to say the equivalent to 'I know you better than you know yourself' without having to get a degree in any of the neurosciences and still walk away unchallenged on any level.
From the fallacious assertion that life imitates art; to the concept that ideas are almost all contagious (including conspiracy theories and prejudices); to the concept that there is an evolutionary unconscious mind mysteriously directing instincts that you're unaware of. There will always be times in your life in which you may seem to surprise yourself. You will find that you may react to things in your life which may contradict the way in which you would have expected, but those reactions are nothing more than your change in mood and the changes in circumstances in the present which differ from past moments, hours, days or years. The 'you' or the 'self' are nothing more than an illusion. That is to say, that 'you' are constantly changing from moment to moment, and you are not controlled by your relative ancestral history or an unconscious force of mysterious consciousness. You are responsible for the logical algorithmic combinations of non-contradicting thoughts in your head based on how much you choose to learn about the world and how much you choose to ignore. The more you learn and expand your awareness, the more you can make informed decisions. Ignorance of the principles which govern reality are not excuses for not knowing them. You must therefore take full responsibility for your own false assumptions. Which is why the theme of the monoconscious philosophy is to simply take responsibility for your mind.
Freud Ist Tot (Freud is Dead) and I have Killed Him
A new stepping stone for modern psychology, politics and culture begins with the eradication of Freudian dogma and its unconscious, and an understanding of the monoconscious mind.
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A new stepping stone for modern psychology, politics and culture begins with the eradication of Freudian dogma and its unconscious, and an understanding of the monoconscious mind.
we are just getting started, so please pardon our dust |
support by visiting the online store | bitcoin wallet 1DSPkpCQPb8M3tVgykMPY2XkA8XWXujAvN